Does Your Yard Have a Landscaping Theme?

  • Three Signs That You May Need To Repair A Sprinkler System Leak

    24 April 2017

    An automatic sprinkler system is a great way to keep your grass green without having to water by hand, but a malfunction can result in a dead lawn if you don't catch it quickly. Leaks are especially common early in the season when you are first turning on the sprinklers in the early summer, simply because they are often caused by winter freezing combined with water left in the lines. Knowing the following signs of a leak can help you catch it early, before it becomes a major issue.

  • Turning Your Home Into A Rental? Remove A Struggling Tree Beforehand

    19 April 2017

    When you own the home that you live in, you can commit to high-maintenance landscape without a problem. It may be worth it if you love how your yard looks. For instance, you may have a tree that has been struggling for a long time that you are trying to make healthy again. This is perfectly fine, but if you have decided to turn your property into a rental, you should consider removing the tree because there are several complications that come with keeping it around.

  • Landscaping Tips For New Homeowners

    12 April 2017

    Becoming a homeowner will require you to become familiar with the numerous forms of maintenance that will need to be done to keep the property beautiful. For individuals that have never had the experience of owning a yard, it can be simple to make errors that lead to serious and complex problems to correct. Have Soil Tests Performed In order to thrive, the plants on your property will need to have their specific nutritional needs met.

  • Three Retaining Wall Construction Mistakes To Avoid

    7 April 2017

    In many landscapes, retaining walls are a necessity if you want to level or terrace uneven terrain. Fortunately, these walls can be just as ornamental as they are structural. The key is to make sure the wall is properly installed so it doesn't bow out or collapse in the future. Avoiding the following mistakes is key to achieving this. #1: Not installing drains A wall may appear to help level the slope it supports, but water will still drain downward through the slope and towards the base of the retaining wall.

  • 2 Benefits of Using Hydroseeding

    30 March 2017

    If you would like to plant some grass in your yard, you should consider using hydroseeding as the method for planting your grass. This article is going to discuss excellent two benefits that come along with using hydroseeding.  It Comes With Mulch  When you initially put seed down in your yard, there are two big issues that you can run into when using traditional grass seed. One issue is that the seed is very susceptible.

  • Pretty Ideas For Landscaping For Fragrance

    22 March 2017

    Many homeowners landscape simply for beauty. That's perfectly valid. After all, your yard should add curb appeal. That said, your gardening can offer other sensory appeal as well – specifically scent. Plan your landscaping so it develops fragrance as well as beauty. Rose Patch One of the most classic gardens for fragrance is the rose patch. Not only are roses beautiful, but they emit a signature scent. Some ideal roses for both beauty and fragrance include damask, golden celebration, honey perfume and heritage.

  • Landscaping Tips For Crowded Mobile Home Parks

    15 March 2017

    If you've bought a mobile home in a crowded mobile home or RV park, you know you're not going to be able to add a huge lawn or lots of landscaping. But even if all you have is the strip of dirt right around the home, you can add plants and features that make the lot look gorgeous. If you don't have much to work with, you have to plan carefully and aim for a combination of cosmetic and practical landscaping.